Blouberg Local Municipality

Local Municipality Senwabarwana. Blouberg Local Municipality is part of Capricorn District Municipality.

Blouberg is home to some of the most spectacular rock climbing in South Africa. It is famous for its big- wall natural climbing, with route lengths up to 350m.

The Blouberg Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the Capricorn District of the Limpopo Province, in the northern part of South Africa, bordering Zimbabwe and Botswana. It is the largest of four municipalities in the district, making up almost half of its geographical area.


A participatory municipality that turns prevailing challenges into opportunities for growth and development through optimal utilization of available resources.


To ensure the delivery of equality services through community participation and creation of an enabling environment for economic growth and job creation



Our Address:

2nd Building Mogwadi/ Senwabarwana Road, Senwabarwana, 0790


-23.3394411, 29.2337727