Tshebedisano Burial Society & Funerals
Burial Society & Funerals
During the last 15 years Tshebedisano has buried some prominent individuals within the Country and outside the borders. Founded for the Community of Soweto. Targeting mostly the surrounding areas of Protea South, Protea North, Protea Glen, Chiawelo, Mapetla and later covering the entire Soweto Township outwards.
Our Services
All funeral policies are underwritten with RMA – Rand Mutual Assurances.
- Affordable plans for funerals, cremations
- Funeral plans for families and pensioners or individuals
- Waiting periods from six months
- No medical examination needed
- No HIV/Aids exclusions
- Payout with 48 hours
- Funeral cover R5000.00
- Main member, dependants, extended families R220 per month.